About Your Facilitator
Teri 'Crow' Barnett is the creatrix of Presence & Shadow. This deep exploration of the self was birthed out of her life studies, personal introspection, and her experiences facilitating her mystery school circles, Sacred Journeys, since 2013.
Crow walks in the world as an ordained Magdalene High Priestess in the lineage of Nicole Christine and Anyaa McAndrew. She is an Oracle in The Temple of Ascension, a certified Shamanic Priestess Process™ and Shamanic Magdalene Mysteries™ facilitator. She's co-creatrix of the Sacred Sophia Journey™, creatrix of Journey to the Underworld: Embracing the Crone and Multidimensional Realignment™. Other certifications include Usui Reiki Master Teacher (1997), RYT 200 Hatha Yoga teacher (2002), and Let Your Yoga Dance™ instructor (2011).
She is also a bestselling author, award winning artist, and nationally recognized interior designer who brings a lifetime of learning and exploration to her teaching. She is deeply committed to shifting old paradigms and assisting women and men with stepping into their place of personal and planetary power.
Crow's publications include How to Be a Kickass Goddess: Twelve Steps to Owning Your Life; The Bijoux Mystery Series; The Oracle Dreams Trilogy; and a complete series of Reiki teaching/student manuals. She is a PAN Member of Romance Writers of America, Sisters in Crime, nationally certified and state licensed in Commercial Interior Design. She/her.

Additional websites
Writing and Art - www.teribarnett.com
Mystery Cover Designs - www.mysterycoverdesigns.com
Commercial Interior Design - www.espritdesign.com
Reiki Training & Resources - www.reikione.com
Priestess & Magdalene Circles - www.sacredpriestessjourneys.com